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Random Thoughts for April 2018

Go see "A Quiet Place" immediately. It's so good that I'm not even sure how it's gotten so mainstream. Usually films like this are only appreciated by a certain audience but damn near everyone is loving this movie. When I saw it, I waited for my date to arrive and saw loads of pre-teens and teens entering the theater much to my dismay. But all of that worry was for naught because the moment the film started, the entire room was enthralled and kept their traps shut. Thank god. And it goes to show just how good this movie is, because that's no easy task (especially considering the film only has like 25 lines of dialogue).

I really love me some Resident Evil 5. I had only played it a few times back when it came out and have been having a blast this time around. I love the mechanics and just how much of an action game it is. 4 always made me too tense so, I think after playing so much of 5, I may finally be able to complete 4, a game considered to be the best in the franchise by many.

This is a place for random thoughts, right? I don't know why I've been thinking about this but Man of Steel may have been the worst technical experience I've ever had in a movie theater. And I mean that literally. I saw that film in IMAX in New Orleans, where they boasted the best experience around. Instead I could literally hear the feedback every time someone spoke. I could hear the fades the audio engineer made on every line of dialogue. When someone wasn't speaking, it faded out. I could practically see the project opened up in Pro Tools. I don't know how such a sloppy mixing job made it through the system or if someone at that particular theater just happened to fuck up but, to this day, it's an experience that hasn't been repeated.

I'm going to make this blog a little more active (for a few months at least). Not exactly a difficult task when the only thing I've done on here was a post on January 1st, and the place has been barren ever since. My plan is to do a new article every Friday. I really want to do it more just to express myself a little more as I've gotten into a little bit of a creative rut and having deadlines can sometimes help me. So what does that mean for you? Keep an eye out on this space and you'll be in for at least a few mildly entertaining stories/pieces/blurbs. I have quite the backlog, so the next few months of Friday's should be covered, we'll see how motivated I am after that.

I'm crazy far behind on my "New Movie Quota" for this year. My goal has been to hit 150 films I'd never seen before and I'm currently at a whopping 12 films. It's nearly a third of the way through the year and I'm nearly 40 films behind. Yeesh. So in an effort to make a dent in that number, I decided to give myself the goal of watching a new film everyday until Marc's Wedding festivities. Will it happen? I'm hoping so because dear god have I been terrible at keeping up. I'm also behind in my total book count for the year. Dammit. Speaking of new movies...

Ready Player One was pretty great. I wouldn't say it blew me away like the book did but I was certainly entertained. It wasn't as dark as the book but I really loved the back and forth between Artemis and Parzival. She seems much more playful in the film than she is in the books, but I like the change. Aech's voice annoyed me to no end and that was inexcusable. I already knew the twist but I can't imagine they managed to fool anyone with that poor sound work. Whoever worked on that should feel bad about putting such cheap work in such a big budget film. It really took me out of the moment whenever she spoke.

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