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Random Thoughts for November 2015

Whew took a whole month off of Random Thoughts and boy do I have plenty stored up. So let's do this…

"Crimson Summer" has been completed. Yes, I have finished with my edit on it and no, I have no idea when it will be released. Now enters the process of seeing whether it will be accepted for publishing or if I'll have to finance that endeavor myself. If it does get picked up (which I'm hoping for, but understand the content is a little dark and may not allow that option) then that will be all in the publisher's hands. If I end up having to do it myself then it'll be out this Spring. Either way, I hope you pick up a copy and more importantly, enjoy the story.

31 Days of Halloween was a moderate success. It's funny, I had one fan who would consistently comment on the videos within an hour or two of them being posted with nearly EVERY video. It pretty much consistently made my day and was a good confidence boost and helped me push on. 33 videos in a month wasn't easy but I think I really go the hang of it in the end. I was surprised by the amount of support I got in some places, and lack of support in others. It ultimately led me to a tough decision…

I no longer work for WIGS. That's a pretty big change since I was doing pop culture related stuff quite often and it took up a good amount of time. But ultimately I didn't feel like it was really going anywhere. Getting a driven, hardworking writing staff together is a difficult task and one that ultimately proved too much. Still, I have a lot of great content housed over there, and hope they continue on with their pop culture crusade. (Just, uh, you know, actually start putting out content again.)

Damn does it suck that Rousey lost. I don't like MMA and she brought me to it enough to watch that entire PPV. After a really crappy card (loved that Co-Main Event though) I had high expectations for Rousey and she just got pummeled. I don't know enough about the sport to give any technical opinion. I don't know what happened, I just know she didn't look good. Hopefully she rebuilds and comes back for that championship.

I really dug Shia's art project. For those unaware. LeBeouf decided to hold a viewing of all his films in reverse chronological order, with a camera transfixed and watching him the whole time. It sounds crazy at first but think about the vulnerability of it. I find it commendable that he'd put himself out there like that, and as weird as some may view it, I think it's an interesting insight into the psyche of an actor going on a journey through their films--something that is an emotional rollercoaster in and of itself. Add to that, that Shia started in film at such a young age and it's not just him looking back on his career, it's him looking back on his life. All live streamed on the Internet for microscopic criticism. Pretty commendable if you ask me. But yeah, art is weird so we better just go back to making fun of Shia.

Pixar's Inside Out may be the best of the year. Every single part of that movie is just perfect. Amy Poehler was meant to voice animated characters with her bubbly voice and infectious persona. I loved the plot of the film for so many reasons because it can speak to different age groups on so many levels. I think it is going to end up being the quintessential movie for a lot of young kids from this generation.

It's weird how little I've purchased in the last year. I've been exclusively writing for pennies and so I barely have enough to survive, let alone buy fun stuff. I used to collect DVD's then comics but collecting anything is just too expensive for my pockets. It's tough though because while I don't care so much about not getting stuff myself (we do live in the day and age of the internet), it's a little more difficult when it comes to showing appreciation for others with a gift. Other people don't really understand it. Thankfully I have a brother that likes the same stuff as me, so I just take his stuff a lot (Helloooo XBOX One/Netflix/WWE Network accounts). I am a pre-teen.

Fallout 4 is just incredible. As someone who has never gotten into the Fallout series, I wasn’t expecting much but wow. Just wow. I've dropped many hours into this game already. It's the first game in a long time that I've found myself just being completely lost in. Video Games had become more of a chore in some regards and this game has taken that all away and made me feel like a kid again.

I really hate Superman but American Alien is great. It shouldn't be surprising given that it's written by Max Landis, but it really is the best. The idea of presenting seven unique Clark Kent stories throughout different periods of his life is interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if that final issue is a little too "out there" for me given how Landis works, but I still look forward to going through the run.

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