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Social Isolation (Day 7)

Felt this was appropriate.
So I'm sick.

I don't really think it's the coronavirus but I'm making sure to quarantine just in case. It's been a weird one. I haven't really had an illness where I have trouble breathing. This aspect is the only thing that leads me to believe I have the virus. Otherwise, the fever I have is very slight, if at all. But clearly this is something respiratory.

It's mild, so it's not like I'm dying or going crazy. But my day job definitely requires me to touch a lot of stuff that then gets sent to others, so I'd be putting a ton of people at risk if I were to go to work. And it sounds like I won't even be able to get a test, even if I try to at the doctors. All quite unfortunate. Oh well. I'll just hunker down and wait this thing out. I guess this is what the world has come to.

The only thing that sucks is that, while I have a decent amount of groceries, I got sick out of nowhere and it's a lot of bland food. Why didn't I stock up on pizza rolls? So my near future will feature a lot of pasta and cup o noodles. Oh well. Lesson learned for next time. Hopefully the local Chinese place doesn't mind dropping stuff off on the sidewalk.

I feel like I'm in this weird middle ground and it's frustrating. Whatever fever I do have, it comes and goes, as does my cough. I clearly have a sore throat and a lack of energy but, above all, I know that these breathing issues aren't normal. I can only get about 75% of a breath before it becomes painful. So it's a lot of half breaths.

But I can easily see this just being something else, just happening at the same time as all of this. Oh well. I'm just gonna try and enjoy the time away from my job and watch a lot of stuff. Because for the foreseeable future, I'm legit stuck in my room.

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