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31 Days of Horror (Day 4)

31 Days of Horror

4. Psycho

And it's back to the classics.  I didn't originally plan on watching this but then I realized I had never watched it on Blu-Ray.  Given that I had the Blu-Ray, this was just inexcusable.  Dammit does this film look amazing in Hi-Def.  Of course the Black & White firmly grounds it in the 1960's, the dynamic range of grey's is unmatched.

But I'm not getting into that.  This is just a great movie.  Plain and simple.  If you haven't seen it, you need to immediately.  Janet Leigh and Anthony Perkins are fantastic, with Hitchcock molding the film into a technical masterpiece.  I feel nothing more can be said other than: if you haven't seen this movie, go see it, if you have seen it, then go see it again.

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